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Showing posts from 2008

Panasonic Lumix - DMCFX28

I just bought this Lumix camera. I sow a lot of nice recommendations on Internet about it.  It's very light - easy to use even by me ;-) it also has 18x optical zoom - I've read somewhere it's one of the best super zoom cameras in it's class.  more here:

Company Brand New WEB Page

Our company Velocity1 have a brand new web page released 2h ago.. It's looking very good.

Mercedes подготвя ъпгрейд на S-Класата

Сегашното поколение на Mercedes-Benz S Class е на пазара от 2005 година. От фирмата са планирали през следващата година този модел да получи умерен фейслифт и модернизация, за да може да отговори на предизвикателствата от появата на изцяло новата Серия-7 на BMW и новото поколение на Audi A8, което трябва да се появи на пазара през 2010 година.  Прототипи на обновения модел вече бяха засечени в Германия и в САЩ по време на тестове. Най-новите шпионски снимки на обновената S-Класа показват доста ясно какво може да се очаква от фейслифта на луксозната лимузина.  Единствената по-голяма промяна е новият дизайн на фаровете и новите предна и задна брони. Виждат се и малки промени в радиаторната решетка, нови диодни дневни светлини и променени отвори за въздух. Заедно със стандартната S-Class, промени ще претърпи и AMG версията. При този модел броните също ще бъдат нови, пише  Най-вероятно при това обновяване на S-Клас няма да има промени в двигателите и те ще останат същите, кои...

NOC/support system

Key features of SupportSuite include: Clean and intuitive AJAX based interface Integration with Microsoft Active Directory® (LDAP), vBulletin™ and ModernBill™ among many other third-party applications Reliable live chat seamlessly through a client's web browser ViewShare to share a desktop view with a client via their web browser Integrated VoIP (SIP) functionality Robust SLA management, work schedules and escalation pathways Teamworking features for creating and sharing events, tasks and contacts Detailed reports and analysis Synchronization with Microsoft® Outlook® Integrate and synchronize with a Windows Mobile® device link

Paintbol Game

MPEG-2 Transport Streams

Pro MPEG Forum CoP3 or SMPTE 2022 Introduction Pro-MPEG Forum Code of Practice #3 release 2 ( CoP3 ) or SMPTE 2022-2007 , describe how MPEG-2 Transport Streams ( MPEG-2 TS ) should be encapsulated when sent over IP networks. It also describes a forward error correction ( FEC ) mechanism that can be used to correct errors than can occur during the transport. This article will explain how video content can be sent over IP networks and how errors can be corrected using CoP3 FEC. ASI to IP All MPEG-2 transport streams shall be encapsulated in RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) according to RFC 1889 in conjunction with RFC 2250 . Transport service is provided jointly by UDP (checksum and multiplexing) and RTP (sequencing and time stamping / jitter removing). RTP always uses an even UDP port number. For most streams, the RTP/UDP/IP overhead of 40 bytes per RTP packet is relatively low (for example 3% with a 1 316 byte payload). . IP packets can carry from 1 to 7 TS packets, kn...

Internetwork Expert - CCIE R&S Workbook Vol1, Ver5

There is new version (ver5) of the R&S workbook vol 1. IE completely changed their style in this version of the workbook. The only bad thing I am seeing is they could be more detailed in their explanations but it's only a BETA.

London Hyde Park

Mercedes to cut petroleum out of lineup by 2015

By Jaymi Heimbuch Posted Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:23am PDT In less than 7 years, Mercedes-Benz plans to ditch petroleum-powered vehicles from its lineup. Focusing on electric, fuel cell, and biofuels, the company is revving up research in alternative fuel sources and efficiency. The German car company has a few new power-trains in the line-up that European journalists have had the opportunity to test out in the Mercedes facility in Spain. One vehicle includes the F700, powered by a DiesOtto engine that combines HCCI and spark ignition to get nearly the same efficiency as diesel, but minus the expensive after-treatment systems. The engine can run on biofuels, and we may have a purchasable vehicle by 2010 -- a year that seems to be popular for the debut of a lot of new alternative fuel car models, making ’08 and ’09 simply thumb-twiddling years for consumers. I don’t know, maybe car makers just like the roundness of “2010.” The company’s next big step will be to launch a Smart electric car w...

Vegetarianism proves to be perversion of nature

Vegetarians can be referred to as true fanatics. On the other hand, they are seriously misled in their beliefs. Practically nobody argues with them, since it is really difficult to convince a vegetarian of his or her self-deception. May be that is the reason why the vegetarian movement develops so actively around the globe and continues to recruit many new members. Vegetarianism proves to be perversion of nature Soured milk – 90% Fresh milk – 83% Beef – 76% Cottage cheese – 75% Compare this data with that concerning vegetable protein: Wheat bread – 52% This is the main reason why dietitians recommend to consume 60 percent of animal protein and 40 percent of vegetable analogue from the daily ration. No vitamins and mineral substances are of any use if our organism does not receive animal protein. Like vegetable protein, they can not be digested without animal protein. Vegetarians , espec...

Quad CCIE Scott Morris Joins The Internetwork Expert Team

Mislia che Scott e razbral che IPexpert niamat nikakuw shans sreshtu Internetwork Expert - polzwal sum producti na IPexpert, znam im portala i vsravnenie s towa koeto IE imat IPexpert sa dosta nazad s materiala. Ne iskam da komentirame propuskite v workboocite koito moi kolegi zabeliazaha. Chestito na Scott.. mislia che e strahotno populnenie v IE. Cheers, Scott! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Reno, Nevada, June 25, 2008 - Internetwork Expert, Inc., a pioneering leader in Cisco CCIE Lab Exam training, today announced that Scott Morris (CCIE #4713), a four-time CCIE, has joined the company as a CCIE Instructor. Scott Morris has been in the Cisco networking industry for over 12 years and belongs to an elite group of engineers worldwide holding four CCIE certifications. Scott was one of the first individuals to pass the Cisco Design Specialist certification in 1998, and soon after passed the CCIE Lab Exam in Routing and Switching. He then went on to obta...

me at Sweden

Sweden, Kacnah v Stockholm, terminal 2 okolo 21:xx localno vreme - letishteto e malko v sravnenie s tezi na koito sum bil do momenta.. triabwashe da si nameria transport do centura na grada koeto stana s Airport Shuttle koito poruchah ot informaciata na letishteto - bileta struwashe 190 kroni (20 euro) ako si kupish bilet online struwa 150. Otsednah v Scandic Continental (~120 euro noshtuwkata) - staiata beshe tolkowa malko che biah siguren che moga da dokosna ednovremenno dvete steni na staiata.. gotinoto na tazi veriga e che vsichkite imat Free Internet za razlikta ot Belgia kudeto za dva chasa triabwa da platish okolo 15 euro. Gradyt ima centur, podoben na povecheto v BG, dylga turgovska ulica - razdelena na dve chasti, staria i novia grad.. taaa.. ima kakwo da se vidi.. interesno miasto e i sas sigurnost e dosta po-hubawo to Oslo,Norway. Horata izgljedat malko po-normalni, malko po-eftino e.. ne znam kakwo drugo da razkaja ne mojah da razglejdam obstoino kakto mi se iskashe vse pak...

Me at Norway

Day 1 -> I taka dojiviah da vidia Oslo, Norway - purvite vpechetlenia za grada mi sa mnogo loshi i chestno kazano ne bih jivial tuk dori da e poslednoto miasto na sveta. Oshte purvata vecher tuk se sbluskah s razni otkachalki, pianici i kakwi li ne ludi.. Thomas dori se oplaka che sa go napadnali. Day 2 -> Ha,Tuk imalo i normalni, prichinata da doida v Norway beshe edin course na AppearTV - malka firma - vsichki v neia izglejdat obrazi.. kato cialo beshe gotino.

MPEG-2 - Startguide

Some basics around the IP TV streaming (newbies stuff). \ MPEG-2 Transmission The MPEG-2 standards define how to format the various component parts of a multimedia programme (which may consist of: MPEG-2 compressed video, compressed audio, control data and/or user data). It also defines how these components are combined into a single synchronous transmission bit stream. The process of combining the steams is known as multiplexing. The multiplexed stream may be transmitted over a variety of links, standards / products are (or will soon be) available for : * Radio Frequency Links (UHF/VHF) * Digital Broadcast Satellite Links * Cable TV Networks * Standard Terrestrial Communication Links (PDH, SDH) * Microwave Line of Sight (LoS) Links (wireless) * Digital Subscriber Links (ADSL family) * Packet / Cell Links (ATM, IP, IPv6, Ethernet) Many of these formats are being standardised by the ...

Me at London

Ne sum viarwal che moje da mi haresa v UK. No se okaza che e dosta gotino. Horata sa OK,hratana e OK.. transporta e dosta lesen za polzwane i nai vajnoto - chistichno e i vremeto ne e tolkowa zle kolkoto si mislih moje bi zashtoto sum jivial v Reykjavik ;-)

How to search into Cisco Documentation CD

Hello, During my CCIE preparation I developed some new skills like how to search into Cisco DocCD . Might sound funny but it's pretty useful during the exam. Step 1. We know some command of the feature that we are searching for. Lets say for example "dhcp". I know the command 'ip dhcp pool'. Let find it on the Command Reference Guide. Step 2. Underlined text shows up where to find the Configuration Guide of this commands (i.e dhcp) Step 3. Step 4. Finally ..