
my brand new job ;-)

Industria is a leading broadband solutions provider and systems integrator offering products and services for realising the potential of new true broadband networks. The company offers an innovative product line of solutions bringing tomorrow's networks alive today, thereby transforming the concept of Digital Living to vibrant consumer reality.

For the last few years, Industria employees have been introducing significant economies of scale in last-mile deployments and roll-outs, by utilising to the full the products and professional services which they have played a key role in developing.

Tried, tested and proven in a variety of challenging situations, the Industria true broadband solution leaves you free to focus firmly on your business, and not the technology behind it.

Industria has played a leading role in the design, implementation and operation of several true broadband networks for public and private-sector entities, including utilities, local authorities, businesses, property developers and builders.

Central to these efforts is the company's one-stop turnkey offering which embraces the four components necessary for bringing digital living to the domestic or business consumer.

These four building-blocks are Digital Media, Software Solutions, Broadband Access Systems and Physical Infrastructure.

Industria is led by a management team comprised of highly skilled professionals drawn from the IT, software, network engineering, telecoms, finance, marketing, communications and related sectors.

Together, Industria management share several decades' experience operating in their individual fields, experience which they harness in a common quest to implement the principles and values that serve as reference points for all the company's activities.

These principles are centred on creating the best range of services possible for our customers and optimum value for our shareholders, by maintaining sound corporate governance, developing trust, respect, fairness and cooperation with other companies, and ensuring compliance with all our legal, social and other responsibilities.


UAE - Dubai

UAE - Dubai

ot niakolko dni sum v Dubai, imah vuzmojnosta da razgledam i hubawite i loshite strani na grada a sled oshte niakolko dni shte imam vuzmojnosta da porazgledam i stolicata AbuDAbi za koiato shte napisha vpechetleniata si malko po-kusno,za Dubai - shte zapochna sas polojitelnite si vpechetlenia: povecheto im sgradi sa nowi i dosta dobre podurjani sushto taka kakto i putishtata im - ima ujasno mnogo hora ot ujasno mnogo nacionalnosti koeto pravi grada da izgljeda dosta cveten ,-) kolite koito karat sa dosta luskawi - predimno Toyota, gradskia im transport e dobur - shofiorite karat malko po-razlichno ot tezi v Bulgaria (v smisul - burzichko), imat naistina ogromni magazini (shopping malls) v koito chovek moje da nameri abslituno vsichko - ot elektronika,sladkarnici,resturanti,kina i pr - ujasno e krasivo, purvoto neshto koeto posetih beshe City Centera - a be kak da go kaja imashe mnoogo hora i beshe mnogooo goliamo - razglejdahme okolo 4h i ne mojahme da go razgledame, horata v magazinite sa dosta otchtivi (povecheto) imashe 1-2ma det mi se priiska da gi sritam.. ama ne mi se iska da me izgoniat ot stranata predi da mi e svurshila vizata ;-)

i kakto vsichki stranni i owa miasto si ima nedostatuci: purvite mi vpechetlenia sled kato se kachih v kolata e che tuk horata niamat kultura na shofirane, zasichat se dosta riadko i dosta chesto nikoi ne podawa signal za manevra (nie mai go narichame migach..) razlikata e che tuk ima mesta kudeto maximalnata skorsot za dvijenie e 120 km/h, inache e okolo 80 km/h - vpechetliawashtoto e che v bulgaria umirat znachitelno poveche hora ot kolkoto tuk - moje bi prichinata se krie v towa che karat predimno nowi koli, drugoto koeto mi napravi vpechetlenie che tezi hora niamat elementarna kultura i za hodene.. kakwo tolkowa ima v hodeneto? az ne biah se zamislial do momenta v koito ne popadnah tuk, tia horat pochti kakto karat ;-) smeshno e .. zashtoto na niakolko puti pred men razni hora ne se hvurliha vurhu edna bebeshka kolichka - nikoi ne se izvini .. prosto .. horata si hodiat i ne se suobraziawat s nikoi,
ii.. kakto spomenah tuk ima hora ot vsiakakwi nacionalnosti i v purvia moment si mislih che .. ne do tam dobria mi angliiski shte mi e problem v communicaciikata s ostanalite hora tuk, e .. okaza se che ne e tochno taka, tuk nikoi ne govori dobur (pravlno gramaticheski Angliiski) - horata sa sviknali da se razbirat s 2-3 prosti dumi, ebali sa mamata na gramatikata.

cenite: vpechetliawashto e .. kak pochti na vseki magazin imashe off-price upto 75% ;-) namerih mesta s ujasno niski ceni na drehite, osobeno na markovite drehi (vsushsnost tuk niama ne-markovi drehi,durjawate e predostavila unikalen control na golemite vendori,no towa ne e neshto koeto iskam da si blog-vam) - kutiika coca-cola e 1Dha (koeto e okolo 50 st.)- hranata sushto e dosta eftina,stiga da ne se hranish v resturantite ,elektronikata na mesta e ubiistveno eftina, vidiah hp/sony/acer notebooks koito v bulgaria sa ujasno skupi a tuk cenite im sa okolo 1200$ (na dobrite configuracii, pc replacement class kum 5000 Dha)

kato cialo - hubawo e chovek da vidi towa miasto: