Guide 1 Junos MPLS and VPNs, Revision 10.a
Junos MPLS and VPNs, Revision 10.a. Student Guide, Detailed Lab Guide, High-Level Lab Guide, and Lab Diagrams. This five-day course is designed to provide students with MPLS- based virtual private network (VPN) knowledge and configuration examples. The course includes an overview of MPLS concepts such as control and forwarding plane, RSVP Traffic Engineering, LDP, Layer 3 VPNs, next-generation multicast virtual private networks (MVPNs), BGP Layer 2 VPNs, LDP Layer 2 Circuits, and virtual private LAN service (VPLS). This course also covers Junos operating system- specific implementations of Layer 2 control instances and active interface for VPLS. This course is based on the Junos OS Release 10.3R1.9. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience in configuring and monitoring the Junos OS and in device operations. Guide 2 Junos Multicast Routing, Revision 11.a EDU-JUN-JMR-11.a