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Brussels - 2008


Iskah da napisha statia na tema kakwo mislia za Bruxel - kakwo da vi kaja - popadnah na edna druga statia v koiat horata sa si go napisali. Razbira se predi da trugna za Belgia reshih da razgleam kakwo ima okolo miastoto kydeto shte byda "Pegasus Park" - zaradwah se na towa che ima McDonalds koito beshe oboznachen kato resturant v google earth ta reshih da go posetia - okaza se che vsushnost e biznes sgrada na mcdonalds .. kofti nowina kato si sleznal ot samoleta gladen kato vulk.. ta kato zagovorih za Samoleti.. i gladni vulci.. tochno taka se chustwah - towa moje bi e edinstvennoto useshtane kato polzwash Bulgarian Air.. moje bi nai umrialata aviokompania (p.s chuh loshi neshta i za edna ot italisnkite aviokompanii,ama oshte ne moga da poviarwam che sa po-zle) - taa.. za hranata - dadoha ni mini kroasani .. pod mini imam predvid naistina 'mini'
t.e ako sushtestwuwa opredelenie mini-mini-mini i mini-mini i mini nie imahme mini-mini-mini ..
edin chovek dori se opita da si vikne oshte 1, az kyde li biah trugnal - shtiah da pitam za oshte 5-6... no kato vidiah kak go reznaha i reshih da ne probwam tuko vij sum si otnesal boia.
Da! i za poleta da kaja niakolko dumi.. 737-300 Boing.. liubim samolet - stiga da ne e pulen na max i raztoianieto m/u sedalkata i krakata ti da ne e 2 cm. - v edin moment se setih za pasaj ot edna pesen 'Kato strida vav marshutkata... " vse taia.. gadno prejiviawane.

Da kaja malko i za liubimia laf na vsichki "Bruxel - surceto na Evropa.. " - hora ne znam kakwo surce e Bruxel - no edna hubawa jena ne vidiah, samo krokodili - hipopotami i dr. edroguzesti jivotni.. - kakwo i da ochakwam ot frensko govoriashta strana? ;)) kato mita za hubawite francuzooiki - vsichki znaem che gi ima ama nikoi ne gi e vijdal ;-)))

Po-dolu v statiata se spomenawa.. ama i az da go napisha. Cenite!! kak spored vas v Dublin Broadband Access moje da struwa 19.99Eu! A v Bruxel 12h-a da struwat 17eu. (v skupite hoteli)
a v Eftinite (zabelejete) 6h-a 22Eu.
A ako iskate Eftina hrana v Centura na Bruxel - pravete kato men.. Follow the White Rabbit..
(t.e gledaite kyde iadut decata.. tam hranata e nai dobra i nai eftina)

Moje bi e vreme da kaja 1-2 hubawi prikazki?:) ta.. Transporta.. vsiakakwi Reischeta, Vlakcheta i tnt - cepiat secundata i sa mnoogo udobni - towa e edinstvennoto hubawo neshto tam ;-))

Brussels most boring city in Europe


13.03.2008 - 09:21 CET | By Leigh Phillips
Brussels, the capital of Europe, is the most boring city on the continent, despite its renown for its waffles, chocolates, and comic books, according to a survey of international travellers published on Wednesday (12 March).

The city just beat out Zurich and Warsaw for the title, who came second and third in the race for the most somniferous town in Europe.

The survey of some 1,400 travellers, conducted by travel firm Trip Advisor, also found London to be simultaneously the most expensive and the town with the best nightlife. Amsterdam and Paris also came tops in the latter category.

Despite its veritable production line of celebrity chefs in recent years, London was not on the list of towns with the best cuisine. Paris topped that line-up, followed by Rome and Florence.

But Paris and Rome also joined London in being among the dearest towns in Europe, while Prague, Budapest and Lisbon were singled out for being the best value for money.

Paris and Rome were also, unsurprisingly, found to be the most romantic of getaway destinations, along with the floating city, Venice.

They may not be romantic, according to the survey respondents, but Zurich, Stockholm and Copenhagen were described as the cleanest, while London, Paris and Rome were derided as the dirtiest.

Dublin has the friendliest, most helpful locals, while Parisians, true to stereotype, were viewed to be the least welcoming.

Some 65% of respondents are planning to travel to Europe in the next year, and though the American dollar may have taken quite a tumble, half the survey respondents from the US still plan to visit Europe in 2008, the same figure as a year ago.

"Americans are still drawn to Europe, despite unfavourable exchange rates and economic concerns," said Michele Perry, a spokesperson for the travel firm.

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