Our azeti-A network monitoring appliance provides you with a “NAGIOS out-of-the-box” experience. Just plug it into your network and within a short amount of time, azeti-A provides you with complete and constant surveillance of your IT network resource efficiency.
Implementing Nagios effectively can often be a daunting task for new users to accomplish. The availability of in-house staff who can readily setup and manage a Nagios deployment can often act as a barrier for organizations deciding whether or not to implement Nagios. The azeti-A appliance makes deploying a Nagios-based solution easier.
azeti-A does it! With the reliability you can only expect from a server appliance, azeti-A monitors all hosts and services running in your IT infrastructure - 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Always NAGIOS-based.
azeti-A summarizes and monitors all information relating to the condition of IT infrastructure components in any given system.
azeti-A's configuration is 100% web-based, so its easy to get up and running quickly.
azeti-A includes a complete running Windows NSClient.
azeti-A supports cellular phone network modems (e.g. Motorola, Falcom, Siemens) for alarm-notifications.
azeti Networks provides Hardware and Software support for its appliances. azeti-A is always delivered with a 90-day support option. The support option is activated by a license key. The support includes the authorized usage of the support forums as well as azeti live updates.