Ne moga da poviarwam! vupreki che vsichkite dati za 6 meseca napred sa zaeti - niakoi se e otkazal tochno na vreme i uspiah da si vzema data tochno za kogato iskah i to za Brussels - sledwashtata stupka e da si nameria samoletni bileti i da si platia hotela. EXCIITINGG!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abromov Nikolay Andonov, Thank you for entering your payment information online for the CCIE lab exam. Your payment details have been entered into a secure database and will be processed by the CCIE customer service team within 3-10 days. You will receive a confirmation email once customer service has processed your payment. If your credit card should be declined for any reason, you will also be notified via email. Your online certification status (shown at will indicate your payment has not yet been received. At that point, you must enter new payment details or arran...