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Showing posts from 2005

my brand new job ;-)

Industria is a leading broadband solutions provider and systems integrator offering products and services for realising the potential of new true broadband networks. The company offers an innovative product line of solutions bringing tomorrow's networks alive today, thereby transforming the concept of Digital Living to vibrant consumer reality. For the last few years, Industria employees have been introducing significant economies of scale in last-mile deployments and roll-outs, by utilising to the full the products and professional services which they have played a key role in developing. Tried, tested and proven in a variety of challenging situations, the Industria true broadband solution leaves you free to focus firmly on your business, and not the technology behind it. Industria has played a leading role in the design, implementation and operation of several true broadband networks for public and private-sector entities, including utilities, local authorities, business...

UAE - Dubai

UAE - Dubai ot niakolko dni sum v Dubai, imah vuzmojnosta da razgledam i hubawite i loshite strani na grada a sled oshte niakolko dni shte imam vuzmojnosta da porazgledam i stolicata AbuDAbi za koiato shte napisha vpechetleniata si malko po-kusno,za Dubai - shte zapochna sas polojitelnite si vpechetlenia: povecheto im sgradi sa nowi i dosta dobre podurjani sushto taka kakto i putishtata im - ima ujasno mnogo hora ot ujasno mnogo nacionalnosti koeto pravi grada da izgljeda dosta cveten ,-) kolite koito karat sa dosta luskawi - predimno Toyota, gradskia im transport e dobur - shofiorite karat malko po-razlichno ot tezi v Bulgaria (v smisul - burzichko), imat naistina ogromni magazini (shopping malls) v koito chovek moje da nameri abslituno vsichko - ot elektronika,sladkarnici,resturanti,kina i pr - ujasno e krasivo, purvoto neshto koeto posetih beshe City Centera - a be kak da go kaja imashe mnoogo hora i beshe mnogooo goliamo - razglejdahme okolo 4h i ne mojahme da go razgledame, horat...